Talk to a Human

You’re not going to hit a ridiculously long phone menu when you call us. Your email isn’t going to the inbox abyss, never to be seen or heard from again. At Rocco Borghese, we provide the exceptional service we’d want to experience ourselves!

At Rocco Borghese you always talk to a human!

Have questions about our lighting features? Our entire team receives specialised training regularly to ensure you’re receiving the best information possible. From basic questions to complex project inquiries, we’re here to help!

What You Get When Asking Your Question

  • Less than 12-hour response to your question.
  • Thoroughness and expertise of a Lighting Design Specialist.
  • Request a Call Back. We call you, just let us know your phone number and a convenient time.

Corporate Office

488 Kings Road

Direct Contact

In the UK: +44 0207 351 0075
Outside UK:+44 0207 351 0075

Design Consultant:


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    Feedback on our commitment and service is crucial to the growth of our business.

    If therefore we excel or indeed fall short of any way in our dealings with you, please advise me directly.

    Thank you,

    Rocco Borghese

    Luxury Custom Chandeliers